Sunday, July 7, 2013

Salmon with Sriracha and Lime Sauce

I love salmon. Growing up, the only way my mom gave it to me was from a can in a fried patty. God love her. Good thing I inherited my dad's cooking genes. Unfortunately, he discovered his culinary talents after retirement... long after I had left home. Too bad... we would have had a blast in the kitchen! 

Website's photo
Salmon is a superfood, especially for people friendly with the AARP. Packed with essential fatty acids, it is shown to reduce inflammation from arthritis, lower triglycerides (that's the bad cholesterol, for those of you taking notes), and there is evidence that it may even reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. And, it is so easy to cook. Baking only takes about 15 minutes and requires nothing more than a little seasoning. For instance, this recipe I found on Pinterest requires only three ingredients besides the salmon... and it was phenomenal!

I love just about anything that includes the spicy sriracha sauce. I've only just discovered it in the last year or so. Talk about punch!! However, if you don't have it, use Tabasco with a little brown sugar and garlic. It's not the same, though, so I would suggest you purchase it. If you like spicy foods, you'll be like me... looking for recipes with sriracha because you love it so much! 

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Not only is it beautiful to look at, it was extremely tasty! I created a faux tartar sauce of nonfat yogurt, fresh chives, dill and white wine vinegar to go with, but it didn't need any accompaniment other than a rice pilaf side. I paired it with Apothic White wine. 

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