Monday, July 22, 2013

"Looking for Me," by Beth Hoffman Book Review

This book is the type that makes me glad I'm a reader. While some aspects of the story are a little implausible, Beth Hoffman gives her characters enough depth that I am able to recognize them as people I know in my own life, just as perfectly flawed and commonly unique. Her use of flashbacks to flesh out events kept the pace from dragging. 

While this story could have easily become cliche, Ms. Hoffman's prose is fresh and imaginative. And, I appreciate that she doesn't tie every situation up with a neat bow. I finished the book with some lingering questions but, honestly, I think that is exactly what Ms. Hoffman intended. She reminds us that life is full of life-changing surprises, and we are defined by how we embrace all of them, even the painful ones.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your lovely review of my novel. I'm delighted that you enjoyed Teddi's story!

    I was especially thrilled when I read this: "I finished the book with some lingering questions but, honestly, I think that is exactly what Ms. Hoffman intended. She reminds us that life is full of life-changing surprises, and we are defined by how we embrace all of them, even the painful ones."

    Yes ... You nailed it! Real life rarely gets wrapped up with a bow, and we are often left with half-answered questions and must learn, sooner or later, to accept the mysteries that remain.
