Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Where We Belong" by Emily Giffin Book Review

Marian is 18, on the threshold of following her dreams of a career in television and in love for the first time. And, then, she gets pregnant. The decisions she makes forever alters the lives of everyone she holds dear, even those she has yet to meet. She could not have known that 18 years later the repercussions of this decision would come knocking on her door and bring her life full circle in a way that changes everything she believed about herself and her life.

Ms. Giffin tells the story of Marian and Kirby in the first person, alternating each chapter to reflect the perceptions of each, ultimately bringing their separate personalities together to create a whole where before there were missing parts. 

The story is real, relevant and recognizable in its poignancy. I found myself reminiscing on life-changing decisions and wondering how life might have been had I chosen another path. In the end, though, we must all reconcile ourselves to the realization that where we are is where we belong.

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