After my gym workout, I wanted a dinner that was easy, but could keep up with my endorphin and adrenaline rush. I chose a sriracha salmon recipe I found on the Self magazine website (recipe here). You have seriously got to try this recipe. I've had it twice, and it's amazing how four ingredients can come together to form one spectacular dish.
But, salmon has a lot of calories, albeit good ones. I had put in a pretty good workout, so I had some leeway, but since I wanted to enjoy a glass of wine, I had to have a little restraint. I had some baby portobello, or crimini, mushrooms that really needed to be cooked. I decided to follow the Asian flavor of the salmon and saute them in a honey ginger sauce.
I poured the sauce over the mushrooms and gave them a good toss to make sure they were coated, then cooked them in the oil until they were reduced about half.
Crimini mushrooms have been shown in studies to be a baby boomers super food. They boost the immune system, help reduce inflammation and, because they have such a high amount of selenium, they have great antioxidant benefits, as well as B vitamins for heart health, while being very low in calories.
Add to all that goodness the anti-inflammatory and immune boosting benefits of ginger, not to mention the cancer-fighting benefits of honey, and it's not just a delicious side dish, it's a wellness bonanza.
Honey Ginger Mushrooms
1 cup mushrooms
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp rice vinegar
1 tsp dried ginger or 2 tsp fresh
1 tbsp lite soy sauce
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil or butter/margarine
Clean and cut mushrooms as desired. Mix together honey, vinegar, ginger and soy sauce until well blended in a mixing bowl. Add mushrooms and toss to coat well. Heat oil in wok or skillet. Add mushrooms and cook until mushrooms are reduced by almost half. Serve immediately.