Sunday, March 31, 2013

Green Pea Salad

A family favorite, green pea salad always signaled the arrival of spring, as it was always served at our Easter gathering. Two cups of frozen peas are blanched or steamed, just until slightly tender, then quickly cold shocked in icy water. Add to the peas, diced cheddar cheese, onions, sweet pickles, hard-boiled eggs, shredded lettuce and about two tablespoons of preferred salad dressing. Add diced ham for even more flavor. This salad keeps well in the refrigerator for several days, but never lasts that long at my house.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Word of the Day: Recalcitrant

I'm not really the technology geek type. It took 10 years and my cell phone literally dying to force me to purchase an iPhone. I'm still not exactly thrilled with that capitulation. I went from paying about $20 a month for the convenience of having a cell phone to including my cell phone in a bundle plan amount that rivals my monthly grocery budget, all for the privilege of mobile Internet access. Don't get me wrong... I've used it, but there's no freaking way I've used it enough to justify the cost. My children would categorize this as my natural kicking and screaming attitude with regard to making changes. I see the process as market manipulation for the sake of capitalism. And, my feelings on that subject would be best held for a future blog post.

Having said that, I frankly don't know how we existed pre-Internet. Like everyone else, it took me a while to realize it must be used with a healthy level of skepticism but, for the most part, it is my go-to source for information... news, weather, directions, movie times, restaurant menus and, yes, Facebook. I do not let a day go by without checking what's been posted by friends near and far. 

My other cyber activity, specifically this blog, I have to say, falls a little short. I'm not sure what I expected. I just had a lot of people tell me over the years, "You should write," which with the arrival of the Internet became, "You should blog." So far, it's been a matter of me just throwing ideas out into cyberspace for no particular reason other than I can. Unfortunately, I'm gradually coming to the conclusion that my ideas are not really original enough to justify blogging.

But, I'm all about sharing ideas and experiences, especially in a visual format. So, I decided to join Pinterest. It didn't take me too long to get the gist of it and create some boards. I even have a few followers, although all but one are personal friends and acquaintances. I'm rating this experience as a bridge between Facebook and blogging. The downside is it is a huge time drain. Fortunately, it wasn't a problem on a weekend during which March exited like a lion, with weather suitable for channel surfing and Internet scrolling. I was judicious and spent time browsing through sites looking for spring gardening ideas and, of course, recipes, as well as some interesting book titles for reading on those days when the weather reminds us all that there was a time when our entertaining diversions did not require electricity. 

I will, however, draw the line at Twitter. I can only be pushed so far.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Still Evolving

I've been very remiss in my blogging. It had begun to feel like I was blogging just to read my own words... kind of like talking just to hear my own voice. My main purpose has always been to inspire people on the backside of 50, particularly single women, to not see their lives as winding down, but as an opportunity to continue the rebellious spirit of our youth and redefine aging. But, it became obvious I wasn't reaching that audience. Besides, it became equally obvious that there were many boomers redrawing the boundaries of old age without inspiration from me.

So, now what? Maybe I just need to follow the original script... describe the discoveries I've made about myself that are making the second half of my life really fun and exciting, and it all comes down to stepping outside my comfort zone.

Let start with two words... power tools. For my male readers, I have to say... I get it now. Sure, they're called power tools for the obvious reason. But, once I overcame the fear of putting an eye out, using them really did make me want to grunt like a Neanderthal. Or, maybe that urge has more to do with the fact that my T hormone level has finally overtaken my E hormone level.

I started really slow. First project was bathroom shelves which required drilling holes for anchor screws. (Are you impressed I know what anchor screws are?) Hey, ladies, you really do have to have a tape measure, a pencil, a straight edge and a screwdriver, not to mention the drill, a chuck key and a drill bit suitable for the size of the anchor screw. Well, all that requires a tool carrier... obviously. I would NEVER have dreamed that would be a welcomed birthday gift.

Second project was a little more complicated. It involved hanging a metal sculpture on the outside wall of my house. I had to come up with a hanger that would attach to the sculpture and be permanently secured. I found the sleeve of a bolt lock worked well to fasten the metal rod holding the sculpture together onto the wall. And, this time, a masonry bit was required. Check it out...

Right after hanging, please note tool carrier in foreground.
Fall Porch Display

So, home improvement has become a new passion. I followed this up with a living room refresh, painting ceilings, walls, new drapes and furniture. Not sure that worked to my favor... I was so successful with achieving feng shui, I don't want to leave!

Spring is coming... DIY season. Next project is a kitchen refresh. I can't wait!