Friday, March 21, 2014

Follow Your Dreams!!

OK, if you've been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I'm a big believer in non-retirement or, as I like to call it, encore careers. And, I think a lot of baby boomers feel the same way, for a variety of reasons.

Maybe they took serious hits on their 401k in the recent bubble bursts, maybe their parents didn't plan so well for longer life, or maybe their kids have discovered a degree doesn't mean as much as it once did. 

But, in my case, I have postponed retirement because I have been able to achieve the dream... working at a job that I not only have an intense passion for, but I lucked into the unbelievable situation of working with some really cool people. I am looking forward to working until my body stops. But, for those of you who are just now tuning in, here's the nutshell... I believe, and evidence is supporting the belief that, Boomers are going to redefine retirement. We are going to change the course of American history one last time. 

As I type this, my TV is tuned into the "American Hero Channel." Military history has always fascinated me. While I enjoy learning about the strategy used in battle, I'm most interested in the humanities of war. What caused the conflict? What part did culture play in the outcome? What was the real objective?

Finally, just this year, I have been able to live what I've always known was possible... passion for a job. After putting in years working for the sake of income, I have reached the point that I can actually work for the sake of something for which I have great passion. In February of this year, I started working with the National World War I Museum in Kansas City, Mo.

It fills me with great pride to type that sentence. I love my job, I love what it stands for, and I love this city. For the first time in my life, all the stars are aligned... life is good. And, here, I have to inject the well-worn quote of George Burns with a twist of my own — if I had known living this long would be this much fun, I would have taken better care of myself. Can I get an "amen"? 

What's my point? I want to say, to everyone 59+, follow your dreams. Seriously. You can draw on your 401k without penalty if an emergency hits you. You don't have to leave anything for your kids... unless your Daddy left something to you, then it's kind of, like, you gotta pay it forward, dude. 

But, for those of us who, by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins, have taken care of our parents AND our kids, it's time we set the standard for successful retirement and, in the process, put an exclamation point on our lives, do something for ourselves... follow that dream. Cue, Elvis.

I no longer am forced to work for an income. I'm working for something that I firmly believe is important to the generations that come after me. Baby Boomers have the inglorious reputation of being the "Me Generation." And, let's face it... it's the truth. But, we have shaped history since we drew our first breath. And, here is our chance  to show following generations the meaning of retirement. And, it doesn't translate into a vacation from humanity. 

We need to teach the next generation that old is a figment of the imagination... that their grandparents were heroes... that we fought, and won, critical battles for minorities... that they are the stewards of the generation that will require heroes, just like their great grandparents... that in order to die without regret, you have to have lived. It doesn't matter what "living" means... you need to die knowing you lived. Otherwise, it was a waste of oxygen. 

If you're at a point in life that you can, FINALLY, follow a dream, I urge you to do so. Step down. Go to work for a non-profit that needs your expertise. Promote and support what you believe in. It makes all the difference in the world in how you feel about yourself! And, it teaches a valuable lesson... very valuable. As in, the survival of our way of life valuable. 

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