Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Hard Truth: Taking Responsibility for Your Health

I wonder if many people understand what is happening and what it means to each and every one of us. While everyone likes to see the insurance companies as big, bad corporations disinterested in the well being of the average Joe, the average Joe has taken advantage of insurance companies to the point that the premium pool is dangerously close to being insufficient in handling the claims the companies are forced to pay. Frankly put, the American public has an expectation of being cared for that far exceeds the available resources. 

How sad is it that research money is having to be used to try and find better treatments for heart disease when it's the single most preventable chronic disease? And, even when faced with irrefutable evidence that lifestyle changes need to be made immediately to protect themselves from impending serious health issues, most people find excuses instead. Nobody has a problem chasing the dollar but, for some reason, sees a problem with incorporating 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in the daily schedule. Parents would die for their children, but won't cook for them.

We are actually flirting with the possibility that we could have a decimation of human population equal to the Black Plaque within the next 100 years, simply because our bodies are too weak to withstand a serious pandemic. Let that fact sink in. Now, maybe you're one of those people who thinks, "So what? I'll be long gone by then." And, if that's your true feelings on the existence of your progeny, stop reading now and enjoy your double fudge ice cream with whipped cream. Namaste. 

However, if you've ever watched a person struggle through the recovery of a stroke or deal with the consequences of having a foot amputated because of diabetes, I invite you to read on, think and, ultimately, act.

I watched both my parents die suffering, because they were selfish and lazy. Diagnosed with serious health issues, they chose to treat symptoms with prescription medication, rather than address causes by making lifestyle changes. I'm not saying their demise would have been any easier had they chosen to make an effort. But, I do know retiring to a bed to wait for death is not an option I would choose. But, the American public is about to get a rude awakening by being faced with exactly that same decision...continue life as usual or make an effort to help themselves.

It's time the American public starts accepting the realization they are at risk for a health disaster. And, frankly, there's no one to point the finger at but the person in the mirror. But, the good news is, the problem is correctable. It means not eating to the point of discomfort, denying ourselves unrestricted indulgence in foods we know are unhealthy, being willing to sweat through some physical activity on a regular basis and no longer pretending that healthy cooking is an unnecessary chore.

And, there's the rub, isn't it? Whether it's comfortable to admit it or not, the majority of Americans have become indolent, self-indulgent and indifferent to consequences. We know medical science is going to provide a panacea that helps us mask the discomfort and ignore the issues. As long as there is a pill to make us feel better, everything is fine, right? Guess what, that pill costs money.

So, reality check. Do you eat healthy or are you in line at the fast food drive-thru more often than in the kitchen? Is most of your food in the freezer in handy-dandy disposable plastic trays with a expiration date of some time next year? Do you devote some time each day to actual physical activity that requires movement of your body faster than window shopping and makes your heart beat faster?

We've allowed our priorities to become dangerously skewed. It's time to throw out the excuse of busyness, and start taking care of business. It's not rocket science. It's more important than that. For the sake of our economy and future generations, it's time to get strong and healthy. 

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