Thursday, August 21, 2014

About Being Happy

I know some of my friends *yawn*,or even *cringe*, with all my "rah-rah life" stuff. But, I just can't help myself. Life is good... really, really good. And, that's something new for me.

Prior to 2014, I marched through 15 years of  poop, beginning with the passing of my father in May of 1999. That instance was just a foreshadowing of the real gut-kick when my three-year-old grand daughter, the light of my life, died in a car accident in August of 2001. From that moment on, I became Joe Btfsplk, the sad sack from Li'l Abner. And, because that was how I saw myself, that is how my life was.
Let me say that again... that was how I saw myself, so that was how my life was. 

And, it just got worse and worse to the point I began to think my life, for all intents and purposes, was over. Remember the show "Hee-Haw?" (Don't even try to act like you never saw it!) That was my outlook. That was the life I owned for myself.

I finally realized, something had to change. 

I knew I was miserable in my job. It wasn't that the job was bad. It was a great job! I worked with the most creative and smartest people I had ever known... many of them were very dear friends!!! I had amassed 15 years of raises and made a really good salary. I had all the perks that went with seniority. 

So, what was the problem? It didn't fulfill me anymore. There was no challenge, no stimulation, nothing to look forward to. I felt used and used up. And, my attitude reflected that feeling.

For a couple of years, right here on this blog site, I had been preaching about encore careers. And, while I had made some — in hindsight, feeble — efforts to find another career, I had reached the point of critical saturation in unhappiness. I decided to retire and gave notice. And, lo and behold, as soon as I made that commitment, an opportunity opened up, and it just so happened to be the absolutely perfect career for me. Getting the position became my new obsession, and my commitment and persistence paid off. I've never been happier in a job.

I know what some of you are thinking... well, aren't you the lucky one? It's not about luck. It's about the power of positive intention. It's about deciding what you want, committing to that goal... eating, drinking, dreaming of what you want. It's about letting God... the Universe... whatever higher power you ascribe to... know what you want and how badly you want it. 

Trust me, folks... I used to be the epitome of skeptic when it came to what I deemed metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. But, I was wrong. And, that was just the beginning of the good life. 

I was so grateful to get the job, I couldn't express my thanks adequately. I literally GUSHED thanksgiving. And, oddly enough, the more I acknowledged the goodness of that fortunate event and openly pronounced my gratitude for my blessings, the happiness and contentment I had always hoped was out there became manifest. It's just like every religion teaches — but I'll quote the Christian Bible, because that's what I know — "Ask, and ye shall receive." Can it be that easy? All I know is, it was that easy for me.

So, you see... I have to keep talking about how happy and grateful I am. It's part of the commitment. To stop talking about it would be tantamount to denying its existence. And, the last thing I want is to leave the door open for Messrs. Gloom and Doom to manipulate a seat at my table of life.

If there is anybody reading this who is going through some really bad times, I just want you to know, it can be better. My feet won't fit your shoes, so I can't tell you what it will take for you, but I can assure you... it can be better. 

It's kind of like, if you build it, it will come. Solidly commit to being happy, whatever that means to you. Choose your path and walk it. But, above all things, choose — CHOOSE — to be happy.

When that person cuts you off on the freeway, think of something happy or forgiving. You don't know what made him or her do that. It could be as simple as you just weren't seen. You've probably done it yourself without even knowing.

When a person is rude to you, smile at them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. For all you know, that person could have just lost a grand daughter in a car accident.

Bottom line... take the high road in all things. Avoid the anger, frustration and fear that is seething in today's society. Seek the positive in every situation. Smile. I can guarantee... yes, I said GUARANTEE... that the more you consciously make the effort to be grateful and positive in your life, the more your life will be bombarded by things for you to be grateful and positive about. 

There are some of you reading this who are witness to how this has worked in my life. And, I invite anyone reading this to expressively share the same happiness you may have found in your own life... here in comments, today with your family, tomorrow at work, this week with a total stranger. Say it out loud, put it in writing, make it known... often! It requires no money, no investment of time, no sacrifice. All it takes is gratitude for what you receive every day, pursuit of your passion, and a commitment to change your outlook on life. 

So, what's the first step? Determine what it is you want and pursue it with your complete being... heart, soul and mind. A quote by one of my favorite heroines says it all...